You won't get it cheaper. Our Price Promise.

We Will Price Match Authorised Dealers only.

Price Match Promise

How to get a price match before you buy

If you're buying or reserving simply call us on 01268 530554.  Or if you're buying at a store, simply ask us.

Price Promise terms and conditions

Wychwood will match against other current major reputable UK retailers who are authorised by the manufacturer to sell their product

The retailers item must be brand new, identical to ours, and offered on the same terms

The other retailer and Wychwood must have stock ready for delivery

Wychwood will need to be able to verify the competitor's price and stock position

Only then will Wychwood offer to match the other retailers price

Not Included
Delivery charges and other services not included
Cannot be used with any other offer
Discounted and Sales items